A little bit about us.

We believe that ordinary is boring. We also believe that most good things in life happen spontaneously. The Odd Topic is both of these things: weird and completely organic. We don’t live our lives by the book, and when we see something that needs to change, we go out and do it ourselves. Frustrated by news sites that told the same stories day after day, we set out to create something different. More than a blog, better than a newspaper, cooler than a journal, we are The Odd Topic. The future of journalism is here, and it looks nothing like your Grandpa’s newspaper.

Mia Celeste

Mia is a sarcastic Pisces with an adventurous spirit and a penchant for eye rolls. She is the mother of an adolescent pug and can often be found teaching him manners in Spanglish, his native tongue. Mia has a special skill in making cocktails and hot sauces, and it’s been rumored that her Michelada induces euphoria. She frequently attends dress-up parties and she once completed the Skittles shot challenge.

Read her articles 5

Suzi Brown

Suzi is a high-energy beer enthusiast, proud vegan, and doting caretaker of 6 plants. She shows her love by sending ugly selfies, naggingly recommending books and forcing you to listen to quotes from her favorite authors. Suzi specializes in cooking spaghetti and toast, and knows her way around a block of tofu. One day, she hopes to live on the beach and communicate with animals.

Read her articles 5

We don’t just report the news; we discuss it. 

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