The Circumcision Decision

The Circumcision Decision

CIRCUMCISE – From the Latin word circumcidere, meaning ‘to cut around’ Depending on where you live—and who you have sex with—the picture you have in your head of a penis may look different to mine. In the United States, you may be picturing something that is...
The Racist Roots of the Electoral College

The Racist Roots of the Electoral College

In the past 200 years in the United States of America, there have 5 been elections where the candidate that won the presidency did not actually win the popular vote. 2 out of these 5 instances have taken place in the last 20 years. Though the US preaches democracy and...
Why It’s Time to Defund The Police

Why It’s Time to Defund The Police

After years of over-policing, racism, brutality, and unjustified killing of civilians, there’s been a public outcry to defund the police. However, there’s a lot of confusion around what that means. For many white communities, the police have been a source of comfort...